In the Press Gallery with Newsroom

For the past month-and-a-half, I’ve been working in Newsroom’s Press Gallery office, covering politics, the economy, and the climate. I broke a major story about the alleged Christchurch terrorist writing a letter to a far-right supporter from prison, which made headlines around the world.

I’ll remain in this role for at least the next few months – you can read everything I’ve written for Newsroom here.

Covering the Far-Right in New Zealand

Since arriving in New Zealand, I’ve done a lot of reporting for The Spinoff on the far-right. I started off with a broad exploration of the movements operating here in February, a piece that was reprinted in NewshubAfter the Christchurch terror attack, I reported on New Zealand’s reaction for USA Today and followed that up with a piece on the alt-right’s response to the Notre Dame fire for The Spinoffagain reprinted in Newshub.

I’ve also been able to write a few pieces about pop culture for The Spinoff, one on the sale of sexualised material at Armageddon Expo in Wellington and another on the Wellycon board game convention.

Moving to New Zealand

I wrapped up my internship with the Detroit Free Press in late October and am now moving to New Zealand. My time at the Free Press taught me a lot and I wrote nearly 300 articles, including two of the newspaper’s top ten most-viewed stories of 2018. I was lucky enough to have my work featured on the front page of the newspaper and in the pages of partner publications, including USA Today. I covered breaking news and also wrote enterprise pieces on a range of subjects, from DNA heritage tests to major health scares.

In New Zealand, I hope to continue my freelance journalism and will also be working as a research assistant for a professor from my alma mater, searching for documents related to New Zealand’s 1990s-era education reforms in Archives New Zealand and the National Library.

Recent Reporting

I’ve written a few reported pieces recently. While studying at Victoria University of Wellington, I’ve been writing for the student magazine Salient. My work for them can be found here.

I also wrote an analysis of a Jewish Voice for Peace report on the Jewish Federation of Chicago for New Voices, critically examining Federation grants to anti-Muslim organizations.

Lastly, for AC Voice, I’ve published a wideranging rundown of athletics at Amherst College.